SDT Device mount LED

A simply convincing choice

The range of uses defines the range of products A number of different device mounts are on offer with an IP20 and IP40 protective rating for use in fixed or variable modules. Three different optical systems, each combined with up to eight light characteristics cater for every wish. The light levels of between 4,000 and 12,000 lumen let you achieve any level of illumination you want. If you choose a multi-driver you can even adjust the light output on the building site. Just the way you or the user want it.

SDGOB /1500LED 4000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGOB /1500LED 6000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGOB /1500LED 8000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGOB /1500LED 8000 840tw RAL 9016ED EL-B3
SDGOB /1500LED 8000-4000 840tw RAL 9016EDM
SDGOB /1500LED 9000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGOB /1500LED 9000 840tw RAL 9016ED EL-B3
SDGVOB /1500LED 8000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGVOB /1500LED 8000-4000 840tw RAL 9016EDM
SDGVOB /1500LED 9000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGVOB /1500LED 10000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2
SDGVOB /1500LED 12000 840tw RAL 9016DALI2

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